Friday 20 June 2014

Hot Springs Sg Klah Perak !!

Hot Springs, Sungai Klah covered by lush forest tranquility, surrounded by rolling hills and clear streams.With an area of 6.5 hectares, you can enjoy a wonderful view of oil palm plantation and durian orchard, while relaxing in the area. The unique concept specifically designed for water to flow from the hot springs pool and therapeutic park at the foot of the Main Range height of 200 feet above sea ​​level is indeed creatively engineered to attract visitors who appreciate the wonders of nature.Families who visit the garden can try bath available here with his family. Another well-known activities that should be tried is the experience of boiling eggs in the hot water.For visitors who wish to experience the local Malay massage, the park offers the best package that can be utilized traditional massage. To pursue more challenging activities, visitors can take the challenge to search Sungai Sungkai or run around the track while enjoying the recreational nature.

There is several interesting place at Sg Klah.

First of all is 'Kolam air panas terbuka'.
This pool is the main attraction for this place. It is contain of hot water which is came from the earth. It is nature and not made by the people.This space and depth of the water is suitable for kids and adult.

other than that,they also provide the 'kolam air privasi' which is a pool that people want to have a privacy.
to enter this pool, the fee is around RM80.

third interesting place at Sg Klah is 'tempat merebus telur' which is place for boil the egg.
this place is so hot so that people can boiled egg at there.this is one of the marketing strategy that they have made to attract people.

lastly, they have therapeutic park. 
This park can let some people rest and walk on the stone for therapeutic. 

this place is open at 
35600 Sungkai, Perak, Malaysia
Tel: +605 438 8801 / +605 438 8803
Fax: +605 438 8805

operation time is 8.00 a.m until 7.00 p.m
the price of a ticket are : 
child RM 10
senior citizen RM 7
adult RM 12
oku RM 2

Thursday 12 June 2014


Besut district is the area that became the border between the states of Terengganu and Kelantan is not only famous for its island, but also their beaches. Island and beaches in Besut are be a sources of the attraction of the tourist to come to that place. Especially, Air Tawar Beach. Air Tawar Beach are located about 4 kilometre from the Kuala Besut and 3 kilometre from the Bukit Keluang. Air Tawar Beach are one of the beach that frequently visit by the tourist and the resident. At the Air Tawar Beach, visitors can see the view of the Perhentian Island from far. Perhentian Island are the island that are famous in the Terengganu.

                                          Rhu tree that have in Air Tawar Beach


Scenic view of Perhentian island that visitors can see from Air Tawar Beach. At Air Tawar Beach also are provide the facilities like a playground for children, public toilet, garden chair, charitable and stalls to the visitors. Every weekend, picnic and recreation activities at this beach are very actives. Every years, culture and arts festival are held to attract a lot of visitors to come to this beach.

This is of the one of the famous stall that have in Air Tawar Beach, Pak Awie’s Nasi Air. Because their stall famous with the delicious Nasi air, Air Tapai and Air Batu Campur, their stall received many visitors every day. Their operation is almost every day except Friday, Friday their stall are close.

                          Recreation garden are provide the playground for children.

                       The charitable that have provided at Air Tawar Beach to the visitors.

The big Air Tawar Beach Sign